Important Notes for users of this Official MotorSport NZ Entry Form


1.The following two pages are the Official MotorSport NZ Entry Form that is to be used for all ClubSport Events except Car Trials. (Form MCS 305 is the Official Car Trials Entry Form Template.)


2.This Entry Form is supplied in Word Format to allow Organisers to add in their club Logo and other pertinent Club and mailing details. In the Headings of the form we request that the MotorSport NZ logo is not removed.


3.Provision exists under item A to add in the meeting dates.


4.The box section B2 is recommended for Historic and Classic events and will assist Organisers ensure vehicles are recorded in the appropriate classes


5. The Indemnity and Declaration and Consent segment has been checked for legal correctness and application it must not be changed.














Comp. No





EVENT ......................................................................................................................................................
Date ................................................................. Class entered ..............................................




Driver / Entrant Details:

Driver’s Name






Email Address

Telephone - Home


Telephone - Business


Telephone - Mobile


Fax Number



Competition Licence No

Licence Exp Date:

...... / ...... / ......

Civil Drivers Licence No

Licence Exp Date:

...... / ...... / ......

Financial Member of the following MotorSport NZ Member Club:

(Name of club)

Club Membership Exp Date: ...... / ...... / ......

Required for statistical purposes

Age Group (please circle appropriate): Under 18 18-25 26-35 36-60 61 plus

Date of Birth:

...... / ...... / ......

Entrant: (to be completed in all cases if Entrant is other than the driver. Licence must be purchased from MotorSport NZ Inc prior to the event in question and presented at documentation)

Entrant’s Name






Entrants Licence Number

Licence Expiry Date

...... / ...... / ......

B 1

Vehicle Details

Vehicle Make


Vehicle Model




Preferred Competition No

Capacity in cc


Log Book No

(all vehicles)

Certificate of Description

(Schedule K or T&C where applicable)

B 2 ----For Historic or Classic Vehicles - please complete the following

1. Tick appropriate box below to confirm which Appendix Six Schedule the vehicle complies with. .

2. In the appropriate box below to confirm the applicable period classification or group from the Schedule.

Schedule K


Schedule K Period Classification


Schedule T & C


Schedule T & C Group


Schedule CR


Schedule CR period grouping


NOTE: Refer to the current Motorsport Manual Appendix Six Section Three vehicle Classification Part Two for assistance in completing this section of the entry form

C: Complete if GST Registered:

GST Registration No:


Name of Person / Company / Team Registered:




1. Indemnity:

I have received the Supplementary Regulations and all other regulations or Articles as determined in Appendix Five Schedule C or RS for my entry to this ClubSport Meeting or Event and agreed to be bound by them and by the National Sporting Code of MotorSport New Zealand Inc.

In consideration of the acceptance of this entry and of my being permitted to take part in the Meeting or Events detailed,

I agree to save harmless and keep indemnified MotorSport New Zealand Inc. and its Member Car Clubs, all the owners and tenants of private property traversed, and the respective officials, fellow competitors, servants, representatives and agents from and against all losses, actions, claims, expenses and demands in respect of death, injury, loss or damage to persons or property of myself, my drivers, passengers or mechanics or any other persons whatsoever howsoever caused arising out of or in connection with this entry or taking part in the events this entry covers specified notwithstanding that such death, injury, loss or damage may have been contributed to or caused by the negligence of the Inviting Club or MotorSport New Zealand Inc or any of their respective officials, servants, representatives or agents or by any other person.


2. Ability to Control a Vehicle Declaration by Driver:

I declare that should I at the time of any event this entry form relates to be suffering from any disability of any kind whether permanent or temporary which is likely to detrimentally affect my control of my automobile or my fitness to drive, I will not participate.


3. Vehicle Conformance with Schedule A Declaration by Driver:

I declare the vehicle detailed on this entry form complies with the vehicle safety items set out below and will be presented on request to an appointed scrutineer or Technical Officer complying at all times with the safety and eligibility requirements detailed in the National Sporting Code and its Appendices and Schedules.


Critical Safety


Non-Critical Safety



Non Safety

Ø  Helmet and Overall

Ø  Seat(s) and Mountings

Ø  Braking System

Ø  Safety Harness

Ø  Fire Extinguisher

Ø  Steering System

Ø  Roll Cage

Ø  Wheels and Tyres

Ø  Engine and Transmission

Ø  Power Unit Mounts

Ø  Lubrication and Cooling Systems

Ø  Battery

Ø  Ignition Switch/Circuit Breaker

Ø  Interior Cockpit Fittings

Ø  Reverse Gear

Ø  Throttle Return

Ø  Wipers and Demister

Ø  Body Condition and Suspension (not affecting Critical Safety items)

Ø  Rain/Tail Lamp

Ø  Front Doors

Ø  Bulkhead

Ø  Rear Vision Mirrors

Ø  Starter Motor

Ø  Oil Catch Tank

Ø  Fuel Tank

Ø  Competition Numbers

Ø  Sponsorship Decals

Ø  Exhaust System

Ø  Body Appearance and Aerodynamic Aids


I acknowledge that where any breach of the Safety Schedule is found during a Scrutineering Audit I will be subject to penalties under the National Sporting Code and my signature below indicates my acceptance of this undertaking.


4. Consent:

I consent to the details contained on this form being held by MotorSport New Zealand Inc and/or the Inviting Clubs for the purpose of the promotion and benefit of the Meeting or Events concerned, and Motorsport in general. I acknowledge my right to access and correction of this information. This consent is given in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993.


I also authorise the medical providers of the event to disclose medical information relevant to illness or injury sustained during the above mentioned event to MotorSport NZ and it’s officials.



Signature of Driver:....................................................................Date: ..................



Signature of Entrant:....................................................................Date: ..................





If any of the above signatories are under the age of 18 years then they must produce a competition licence endorsed "Authorised Minor" or have the following completed by an authorised person:


I, ......................................................... of ................................................................................. being the parent/ guardian of

(full name) (address)

..................................................................... do hereby consent to his/her participation in the event.

(full name of underage competitor)


Signed: ...................................................................... Date: ...........................................