
All Club officials may be contacted via our mailing address:

Sports Car Club of New Zealand Inc.

PO Box 100917 North Shore AUCKLAND 0745 

Executive Committee members:-

Club President - Phil Josephs


Club Captain - Lishan De Silva

Club Hon. Secretary - Chris Hull

Club Hon. Treasurer - Warren Evans


Magazine Editor - Phil Josephs


Competition - Carl Pamplin


Social Media - Lishan De Silva

Tech Nights/Technical - TBA

Committee member -

                     Paul Davies

                     Steve Domigan

                     Al Kopustas

                     Mark Ventress


Non Executive Officials/members

Club Website - Al Martin       

All Executive Committee members, including those with no contact details listed above, can be contacted through the Club Secretary.

If you have photos from events etc, send them to the Club Secretary for inclusion on this website.

For Club windscreen decals and metalic car badges contact the Secretary